Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is committed to a culture where children are safe, supported and nurtured to grow and develop.
The protection and wellbeing of children and young people is based upon the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, and that the inherent dignity of all should be recognised and fostered.
In safeguarding our community we work to develop and enhance the dignity of every member of our community.
CEDB is committed to instilling Safe Child standards in all our schools and CEDB with an understanding that keeping children safe is the responsibility of everyone within our school community.
Christina Trimble
Executive Director of Schools
All staff are responsible for Child Protection in our schools, which includes:
Responding to risk of harm
All school staff are mandatory reporters. If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is at ‘risk of significant harm’ due to abuse, neglect, self-harm, domestic violence or is a risk to others, then a report must be made to the Community Services Child Protection Helpline. Ph:132111.
If a report involves alleged criminal behaviour, then it will also be immediately reported to the Police for investigation.
If as a staff member, parent or student, you have concerns that a child who is attending one of our Schools may be at risk of significant harm, then please discuss your concerns with the Principal of that school as soon as possible.
Addressing complaints of inappropriate behaviour by staff
All staff are subject to “Catholic Diocese of Bathurst Employee Code of Conduct” that governs their professional behaviour so as to ensure a safe and supportive environment is created for students, staff and the broader community.
In addition to this Code, certain complaints may constitute what is called ‘reportable conduct’. Reportable conduct is handled differently to other types of complaints which may arise in the school. These complaints are subject to legal obligations established by the NSW Childrens Guardian Act 2019. The obligations have been put in place to ensure that certain kinds of complaints are addressed through a fair and confidential process conducted by the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst that is overseen by, and reported to, the NSW Office of the Childrens Guardian.
All schools in NSW are required by law (Childrens Guardian Act 2019) to report to the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian all allegations of ‘reportable conduct’ involving an employee, certain contractors or volunteers.
Allegations that must be reported include:
The role of the NSW Children's Guardian is to oversee how the agency manages such reports.
The process requires:
Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst has a process in place for such matters.
This is an allegation-based scheme, therefore, the requirement to report and investigate is at the point an allegation is received. The type of allegations required to be reported can be viewed here.
If a complaint involves alleged criminal behaviour, then it will also be immediately reported to the Police for investigation.
If you have any concerns about the behaviour of a staff member towards any child or young person then it is important that you discuss your concerns with the Principal of that school as soon as possible. If your concern is in regard to the behaviour of the Principal, then contact Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst as soon as possible.
Download the Child Protection Brochure here
Access to the Complaints Management Policy can be found here